Wildflowers are more than just ingredients that inspire us
Since 2009, the United States has lost 33 million acres of grassland and wildflower habitats in the US Great Plains – that equates to half the size of Colorado. Every year we lose more and more acres of grasslands and native wildflowers, primarily as a result of plow-up for expanding row-crop agriculture, putting the preservation of wildlife at risk.
You might be asking “what do wildflowers do?" Well, they are vital for many wildlife species, including pollinators and songbirds, and their deep roots improve our soil health and water quality so protecting them is important.
Given that our purpose is to connect people to nature, we could think of no better mission to take head on and no better partner to help us – WWF, whose purpose is to help nature and people thrive. Together, we will raise awareness of the critical need for more wildflower habitats and encourage households to take action to help restore nature for the benefit of us all.
Through our partnership with WWF, one billion square feet of native wildflower and grassland habitats will be reseeded in the Northern Great Plains over the next 3 years. Let’s get planting!
Welcome to Super Bloom Park
On National Plant a Flower Day, we launched our very own One Square Foot park in Santa Monica, California, where we showed over 150,000 people that even one square foot of wildflowers can make a massive difference. In addition to the habitat and sustenance it provided for local pollinators, the park acted as the first square foot of our #SquareFootSuperBloom campaign. Watch the Park Tour video to see how truly vital these wildflowers are to the health of ecosystems everywhere.
Air Wick® enlists National Geographic Creative Works
Air Wick® and National Geographic Creative Works have come together to spread our mission and share the importance of planting native wildflowers to help protect pollinators that need our help now more than ever. Once these native wildflowers start to bloom they’re four times more likely to attract pollinators that are crucial to our fruit and vegetable supply.
Check out the article or watch our video to learn more about how we’re committed to restoring wildflower habitats across the US!

How we’re planting 1 billion square feet of wildflowers
We’re helping to reseed over 1 billion square feet of wildflower habitat in the Northern Great Plains, the largest natural ecosystem in the U.S., over the next 3 years. As of 2022, Air Wick® has planted 160 million square feet of wildflowers. Check back to see how close we are to our goal of 1 billion square feet by 2024.
ft2 = square feet
* indicates Rainwater Basin Joint Venture

One Square Foot is all it Takes!
If you'd like to offer pollinators a helping hand you can do so by planting wildflowers in your backyard, or in pots on your patio or balcony. Even a single square foot can provide food for bumble bees, butterflies, or hummingbirds.
Join The Movement that Starts with One Square Foot
Step 1: Find The Right Seeds
Identify wildflowers native to your region and find a spot to plant seeds.
Step 2: Scatter Your Seeds
When you find the spot with the right amount of sun, remove debris, prep soil, and scatter your seeds.
Step 3: Compress Your Seeds
Walk over wildflower area, but never cover seeds with soil.
Step 4: Water & Watch
Water until soil is moist until the seedlings have sprouted to over 4”. Continue to water and enjoy as nature takes over. Share pictures of your gardens with us so we can see the amazing work you are doing at giving back to your local pollinators #PlantWildflowers
Results may vary, success depends upon conditions when planting seeds

Air Wick Connects People to Nature
Air Wick crafts the essence of nature into the authentic fragrances that bring the beauty of nature into your home. When nature gives us so much, it’s only natural for us to give back as much as we can. When we commit to growing wildflower habitats, we can all connect to nature and its scents today and tomorrow.
It doesn’t just stop there. Our journey to becoming a more sustainable brand began in 2020 with the launch of Botanica by Air Wick. We consciously thought about how to improve our environmental footprint by decreasing plastic packaging, improving recyclability and increase natural content. We have continued this journey with our newest range of Scented Oils which are crafted with more national ingredients and smell amazingly natural. Be on the look out as we continue on this path of protecting nature.
In 2022, we will begin the transition of our Scented Oils cardboard packaging to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which means that they meet the highest environmental and social standards and have been sourced from well managed forests. So be sure to do your part as well and put your cardboard in the recycling once you’ve opened your product.*
* Excluding Warmer Only Packs, 8ml packs and packs sold in certain warehouse retailers
Explore Our Scents Inspired by Nature
We strive to bring the beauty of nature into your home. Our responsibly sourced Botanica line, Scented Oils range, and our newest Limited Edition Spring Collection are inspired by native wildflowers to do just that.
WWF® and ©1986 Panda Symbol are owned by WWF. All rights reserved.